Your smile is one of the most universally recognizable expressions. A confident, healthy, and beautiful smile not only demonstrates your happiness and sociability, but also your health and wellbeing. There are a variety of periodontal cosmetic procedures that can help improve and enhance the overall artwork of your smile.
– Anatomical crown exposure and tissue re-contouring are used to correct a “gummy” smile, where teeth are covered with excess gum tissue and appear short. These procedures expose more of the natural tooth by reshaping or re-contouring gum and bone tissue. They can be performed on single or multiple teeth to create a pleasant and attractive smile.
-Gingival reconstruction and periodontal plastic surgery aim to cover exposed tooth root surface caused by gingival recession as a result of periodontal disease, aggressive brushing or trauma. These personalized gingival reconstruction and plastic surgery treatments can include the use of your own tissue or tissue graft alternatives and growth factors.
These procedures can give you a beautiful new smile, boost your overall confidence, but most importantly, they can help improve your overall periodontal and oral health. Dr. Naghieh will work with you to understand your needs and use her extensive understanding of comprehensive care to customize your treatment plan.