High Technology

Our goal is to continue to be a top quality periodontal resource for the Greater Boston area and to provide safe, predictable, and prosthetically-correct implants for all patients.Yes, we are hi tech. But we NEVER let the technology replace the caring, compassionate and humanistic environment that patients expect! Here are some of the technological advancements that we offer our patients:

Concept of the Chartless Office:


Our office has been chartless since year 2001. While we are not completely paperless, we are about as digital as any periodontal office can be. All patient records including clinical information, x-rays, photographic images, and financial data are digitally stored. All insurance claims are electronically sent including all attachments (charting or radiographs). Each operatory (clinical treatment room) and multiple business areas are tied into our private network.

What does this mean for the patient? It means better periodontal and implant care! We can “pull up” an important x-ray or clinical parameter on a moments notice. We can see each patient’s history concisely summarized on our computer screens. X-rays are exposed with digital sensors that use up to 90% less radiation than conventional film. Direct measurements are possible from the radiographic images, ensuring accurate and safe implant placement. Your dental insurance is quickly and accurately processed. Pre-treatment estimates to your insurance carrier are often “e-mailed” before you put your coat on to leave the office. This helps maximize your insurance benefits. Your records are kept confidential with firewalls and password protection and are safely backed up each night to ensure that your information is always available only to qualified professionals.

Belmont Periodontics

Dexis Platinum:

Although we have had a digital x-ray system in our office since 1999, we upgraded our sensors (DexisPlatinum) and image software suite (Dexis Integrator for Dentrix) to the Dexis system in 2010. This upgrade ensures that our patients benefit from the very best diagnostic imaging system available.

Details can be found on Dexis's website.


ProMax Digital Panoramic Tomography Xray Machine

ProMax Digital Panoramic and Tomography X-ray Machine:

In early 2005, we installed a Planmeca ProMax digital radiography unit in the office, replacing our 7 year-old film-based machine.

This state-of-the-art radiography machine offers distinct advantages for patients. It produces extremely clear instantaneous images, with significantly reduced radiation. In addition, it features cross sectional tomography capability. This is especially useful in evaluating compromised bone volume for challenging implant placements. Where we used to refer patients to various centers in Boston, we now have the capability to perform these sophisticated diagnostic evaluations in-house. This unit complements our quest to achieve a digital paperless practice.

A complete depiction of this machine can be found on Planmeca’s website.

Planmeca Promax 3D Cone Beam Volumetric Tomography (CBVT)

In early 2011, we upgraded our 2D Promax to 3D CBVT.

This amazing technology produces high-resolution volumetric studies of the teeth and jaws for analyzing the available bone structure, the associated vital structures such as nerves and sinuses, and helps determine the correct and ideal position for implant placement. The area of interest becomes visible in high resolution in all three imaging planes: sagittal, axial, and coronal. Combined with Romexis 3D software, state-of-the-art pre-surgical treatment planning is now convenient and affordable for our patients.

A complete depiction of this machine can be found on Planmeca's website.

SimPlant Software

SimPLant Software

The world leader in interactive 3D Implant Planning Systems for more accurate and predictable treatment planning of dental implants. SimPlant's precise preoperative planning software provides an increased level of confidence and an extra margin of safety for our patients. Real 3D planning allows us to find the ideal position of the implants, while taking into account both clinical and esthetical considerations. A major advantage of the digital age!

Details of this software can be found on Materialise's website.


PiezoSurgery device:

In 2006, we purchased a new surgical machine that utilizes low-frequency piezoelectric ultrasound vibration. This clinical breakthrough technology allows for the precise cutting of bone without cutting soft tissue. The instrument is very precise because the cutting tip undergoes microvibrations. In addition, the cutting action is less invasive, thus allowing for better healing. We utilize this devise for sinus elevation surgery, conventional periodontal surgery including crown lengthening, and for tooth extractions.

Details of this machine can be found on PiezoSurgery's website .

Lutronics Spectra Dental Laser

Lutronics Spectra Dental Surgical Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser from Great Plains Technologies:

In 2007, we purchased a new laser that offers increased capability for select periodontal procedures and soft tissue treatment. This is not an aggressive early generation CO2 laser, but is a pulse modulated CO2 laser with very gentle, yet effective soft tissue capability. Specific soft tissue capabilities include gingival depigmentation, incision, excision & vaporization, coagulation (hemostasis), exposure of unerupted teeth, treatment of aphthous or herpes ulcers and other lesions, gingivoplasty, gingivectomy, implant exposure, frenectomy, fibroma and other tumor removal, operculectomy, incision & drainage of abscesses, reduction of gingival hypertrophy, pre-prosthetic surgery, treatment of pericoronitis, and treatment of peri-implantitis.

Details of this machine can be found on GPT's website.